Our mission is to promote and develop your business successfully for YOU - OUR BUSINESS PARTNER
Many companies have outstanding products but lack the experience, expertise, requisite skills and resource to develop export sales opportunities. We help you to overcome these restraints with our knowledge of the complexities and understanding of the culture of the market place in ASEAN and the Middle East.
Both visiting and/or, relocating personnel overseas is expensive and problematic with considerable costs associated with the typical “ex-pat package and needs”.
By engaging our experience and professional skills you receive all of the benefits of international market expansion for a low cost fixed fee thus getting the best of both worlds, market entry at minimal cost.
We see many Companies with robust products missing export sales opportunities because of the risk, cost and complexity of traditional expansion into international markets, and for them the unknown.
We agree with you the client our appointment and terms of engagement from the outset in a manner that is both straight forward and fully understood. This could be a one off assignment to provide say a business plan or an ongoing monthly representation covering development of the business and/or promoting a particular product for a monthly retainer and further rewarded on a success basis on our overall performance.
Our team enable you to capitalise on new opportunities through us providing much more than a “virtual” team in your target market to your potential customers for a fixed monthly cost behaving as if a part of your own team, and reporting to you directly.
We have worked with a wide variety of clients from many sectors and territories. Typically our clients, have a technology which has demonstrated a strong domestic performance and are now considering expansion into new territories to accelerate revenue growth and profit.
- Napoleon Hill